18 Ottobre 2024 - 9:03
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Working at Univers

The current issue of Univers, the magazine of Tilburg University, has just been distributed all around campus. When I walk in -around 9.15 in the morning because I just did not make it to the early train- it is the first thing I see. I see people take it from ...

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Working at Ekon

“Far up in the north, in the coldest and darkest part of Europe lies a little country called Sweden. You might have heard of it as the place where all ikea furniture is from, where the national anthem is ABBA and where polar bears are used for school transport. Jokes ...

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Cari lettori, queste pagine si pongono l’ambizioso obiettivo di raccogliere e raccontare storie, esperienze, “pezzi” di vita. Come suggerisce il nome stesso di questa nuova rubrica, il nostro scopo è quello di indagare sogni e passioni che possano stimolare, orientare ed appunto ispirare quelle anime ancora “dormienti”. “La sua anima ...

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“Don’t Shoot!”

August the 9th 2014, Ferguson, Missouri. An Afro-American eighteen years-old boy, Michael Brown, is killed by a bunch of shots, fired by Darren Wilson, an American cop. Apparently the boy was disarmed and the few witnesses report contrasting descriptions about the dynamics of the tragedy. The main version of the ...

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Putin’s Power Game

Despite Russian troops have crossed the Ukrainian borders, President Vladimir Putin continues denying any involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine and defining the pro-Russian unrest as a local uprising. However, Western countries and the Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenk’s thought about the Russian incursions into eastern Ukraine have become even ...

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From Caesar to Napoleon. The reference to Ancient Rome in French Revolution

French Revolution launched a whole new era in French and European politics. This tempestuous and vivid political time has its most famous episodes and characters, known almost worldwide: the storming of the Bastille, the beheading of King Louis XVI with the no less famous guillotine, Robespierre…  What is maybe less well-know is ...

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Is this the end of Erdogan dictatorship? La parola ai “Giovani Turchi”

“I was part of the Gezi park revolt just two years ago, protesting against the authoritarian rule of the governing party and reckless urban transformation projects destroying every last piece of green space in Istanbul. I witnessed police violence against peaceful protesters. Several protesters killed, many injured during the process. ...

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C’est Anvers le diamant qui brille

Le tintement des cloches de la cathédrale donne le rythme à la pluie qui descend doucement , le coucher de soleil éclaire la Groenplaats ( la place vert ) des amoureux regardent l’Escaut et font des projets de voyage.. Non, on n’est pas en train de lire un livre de Dorothy Dunnett, ce sont les premières images que ...

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